This page details my current research. My focus is on topics in the economics of education, with a particular interest in teacher labor markets and evaluation.
Below you can find a list of published papers, public reports, and copies of current working papers.
Jerrim, J., Morgan, A., Sims, S. (2023) Teacher Autonomy: Good for Pupils? Good for Teachers? British Educational Research Journal, 49, 1187-1209. Open Access Link
Working papers
“Understanding Incentives in Subjective Evaluations: Evidence from Educators” Paper
“Attracting and Retaining Highly Effective Educators in Hard-to-Staff Schools” with Minh Nguyen, Eric Hanushek, Ben Ost, and Steven Rivkin NBER Working Paper
“The Effects of Comprehensive Educator Evaluation and Pay Reform on Achievement” with Eric Hanushek, Jin Luo, Minh Nguyen, Ben Ost, Steven Rivkin, and Ayman Shakeel NBER Working Paper
“Elementary and Middle School Principal Effects on Future Academic, Behavioral, and Labor-Market Outcomes” with Eric Hanushek, Steven Rivkin, Jeffrey Schiman, and Lauren Sartain
Works in Progress
“Teacher Expectations for Long-Term Student Outcomes: Differences by Student Demographics from the Millennium Cohort Study” with John Jerrim
“Understanding Stability of Value-added in a High Stakes Setting”
Public Reports
“A Consideration of Educator Evaluation and Compensation Reform” with Minh Nguyen, Ben Ost, and Steven Rivkin. (2020) Stanford University Hoover Institution. Report
“A Statistical Analysis of TNP and Taxi Driving Behaviors and Public Safety Outcomes” with Ben Feigenberg. (2017) Report prepared for the City of Chicago-Business Affairs & Consumer Protection division Link to report